Xamarin Goodness in Visual Studio 2017 15.6

It's that time again ... a new Visual Studio release!

And of course there's a lot of new Xamarin goodness that goes along with it! And iOS really sees a lot of it!

Instead of doing my usual Code Mill Matt and going all in-depth on it - I put together a video to share some of the highlights!

The Highlight Recap!

  • Automatic Mac updating and provisioning from Visual Studio!
  • On device WiFi debugging!
  • Remoted iOS Simulator on Visual Studio Community!
  • Super cool CoreML models!

View all the release notes here.

Xamarin's office blog post with announcments.

Learn more about Custom Vision here. And check out my buddy Jim's Xamarin Show on it here.

I can't wait to see what's in store for VS 2017 15.7!