In a previous post I wrote about how cool XAML Markup Extensions [] were. As I was writing that post, it occurred to me that I should put together a tutorial on writing one from scratch. So here it is... Why Are Markup Extensions Important? All properties…
Xamarin.Forms ViewModel First Navigation Library
I wrote a couple articles a while back on how to perform view model first navigation within Xamarin.Forms. One article [] concentrating on the simple stack based navigation and another [] that puts Master/Detail pages into the mix. Now when I talk…
MFractor - A ReSharper for Xamarin.Forms(!?!)
I find Xamarin.Forms development rather enjoyable. One, I get to use C# (as opposed to Swift or Java), if I'm lucky I'm able to develop a complete app with almost 100% shared code, and the Xamarin.Forms framework is pretty well put together - it…
Growing Your First Xamarin.Forms Mac App
The big buzz ever since Microsoft Build has been about Xamarin.Forms 3.0 - and rightfully so - there's a lot of cool features in it. But I don't want to overlook the next release of Xamarin.Forms - and that's 2.3.…
Text and Icons in Master/Detail Reveal Button on iOS
There's really no good title to describe what this article is about. (Sometimes naming posts is almost as difficult as naming variables and classes in code.) But have you noticed when using a MasterDetailPage in Xamarin.Forms that the upper left navigation button ... the one that controls revealing…
Things I Think Are Cool: Enterprise Application Patterns using Xamarin.Forms Book
Things I Think Are Cool is a blog series where I talk about things I have found interesting and helpful. They can be time savers, productivity tools, podcasts, books, products, or even people. They say that nothing is new under the sun... and that applies to architecture guidelines and design…