If the last article [https://msou.co/bf7] where I showed you how a Xamarin app can read data from CosmosDB wasn't exciting enough... wait until you get a load of this one! The SQL API in Cosmos [https://msou.co/bf8] (formerly known as DocumentDB) has, built-in,…
3 posts tagged
Reading Data From CosmosDB in a Xamarin App
Recently James Montemagno [https://msou.co/bfe] and I completed an app that demonstrates several aspects of Azure [https://msou.co/bff] and Xamarin.Forms [https://msou.co/bfg] development in the form of a contacts application. And all the code is open sourced [https://msou.co/bfh]! The App!…
Tables Full of Cheese: An Intro to Azure Table Service and Xamarin
In our last post on Azure Storage [https://codemilltech.com/blobs-blobs-of-cheese-a-xamarinazure-storage-primer/] we looked at how to save large amounts of binary data to a BLOB from a Xamarin Forms app. We also took a quick look at what Azure Storage’s offering all provided, how to create a service account,…